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Geras Solutions, the Adjuvant Therapeutic Solution for Alzheimer's

     Organization :
Jiangsu Center of International Technology Transfer

            Country : Sweden
     Release time : 2019-01-29
           Industry : Electronic Information>Software
            Contact : Zong Yuren
                   Tel : +86 25 85485886


It is a remote digital solution developed for Alzheimer's patients, which can provide remote expert-assisted diagnosis, disease risk prediction and related disease management support, aiming to help Alzheimer's patients improve their quality of life.

Technological advantages:

It applies the technologies the artificial intelligence, big data and automated testing, utilizes relevant clinical data from the partner Swedish Karolinska Institute, in combination with machine learning models and algorithms, while taking into account of clinical requirements, to optimize related solutions on ongoing basis.

Technological applications:

Relevant geriatric hospitals, nursing homes, and large healthcare companies having interest in various forms of cooperation