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Conference Information: AusBiotech 2010

Release time:2010-09-03

AusBiotech 2010 will be held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 19 – 22 October 2010. With its key theme “Creating Global Solutions”, this conference will be hosted by AusBiotech Limited in the interests of developing the biotechnology sector in Australia.

The AusBiotech conference attracts senior people from across the sector as well as investors and business development professionals. The attendance of prominent biotech individuals offers key networking and partnering opportunities, and provides insights and inspiration on the major trends affecting the industry.

Conference Features:
• Business Matching Program offering a key networking and partnering opportunity.
• Extensive BioIndustry Exhibition.
• Hospitable banquets and receptions.
• Coinciding with the Australasian Life Science Investment Summit on 19 October 2010.
• Representatives from across the global biotechnology industry as well as investors and business development professionals.
• Prominent speakers from around the globe.

Those who are interested in the conference are suggested to visit the website (http://www.ausbiotech2010.com.au) or consult the Jiangsu Centre of International Technology Transfer (JITTC).

Mr. Yu Wang
Technical Manager
Jiangsu Center of International Technology Transfer
175 Longpan Road, Nanjing, 210042, Jiangsu, China
Tel.: +86-25-85485882
E-Mail: bio-w@163.com

Attachments:AusBiotech2010 ConfProg @ 04-08-2010.pdf   
                      National Conference DL Card_FINAL_180210.pdf