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Intelligent light control system for saving energy

     Organization :
Jiangsu Center of International Technology Transfer

            Country : Sweden
     Release time : 2017-12-04
           Industry : New Energy and Energy Efficiency>Solar Energy,Environment Protection and Resouces Utilization>Environmental Monitoring and Protection
            Contact : Zong Yuren
                   Tel : +86 25 85485886

A Swedish SME has developed an innovative control system for streetlights connected to the grid or stand-alone, powered by for example photovoltaic module. The light is only turned on at full power mode when someone is approaching it on its path. It turns into low-power mode when no person is present on the path. The company seeks partners interested in any kind of collaboration


The innovation is that the control system can by wireless communication set the light in low-power or high-power mode in order to save energy. The light is used in high-power mode only when needed. The advantage is energy saving and no light pollution.
The intelligent light control unit has been put into streetlights powered by a photovoltaic module. The intelligent light control unit can be used in other light applications.


The intelligent light control unit can be used in any product for light systems in order to save energy.